District Policy, Procedures and Misc. Items » McKinney-Vento Homeless

McKinney-Vento Homeless

Meeting the Needs of the Homeless Student
To serve the needs of the district's Homeless studies, District 40 implements the following actions when addressing the needs of the homeless students.
    • The district has ensured the enrollment of homeless children is ongoing and is not
      delayed due to scheduling issues.
    • The district has ensured the enrollment of homeless children is not delayed due
      to residency document requirements
    • The district has ensured enrollment of homeless children is not delayed due to
      the lack of legal guardianship or student records.
    • The school district has ensured it does not charge tuition for homeless students
      or refuse enrollment.
If you know of any student who is homeless and not currently enrolled in school, please contact one of the following individuals immediately.
Superintendent – Jeff Strieker - Liaison
[email protected]
Jr./Sr. High Principal – Melissa Meyer
[email protected]
Elementary Principal - Lacey Schmersahl
[email protected]